"You live within time, so you live in part of creation that is in motion, that is in flux, that is unstable, that is evolving and expanding. This part of creation was established to provide a home for the separated where they could experience separation and have the opportunity to choose a way to return to that part of creation that does not change, that is complete and eternal."
The Creator of all life has provided the Steps to Knowledge, a roadmap into the part of you that is permanent and true, powerful and fearless, gracious, but strong and determined—a part of you, you barely know or have never known, but which resides at the foundation of your Being. The purpose of all religion is to bring you to this.
Follow Steps to Knowledge here: NewMessage.org/Steps
The Stillness of God
Step into this new reality at www.NewMessage.org/ThePureReligion
You must step beyond the pavement into the wilderness because God is there. You must learn to be still. You must learn to listen within yourself. You must restrain your passions and your grievances and your admonitions to give yourself this chance.
It is a different way of being in the world. It is a blessed way of being in the world. And though you are confused and do not know what you are doing and things are changing, you have turned a corner. You are beginning the return.
Humanity has a great strength that it has not yet realized, a strength that will give humanity a greater promise and a greater power in the universe. This is an unseen strength. It is a strength that once experienced becomes an essential force in directing one’s life and in providing one’s true power and security.
Read 'Hidden Powers' at www.Alliesofhumanity.org/hidden-powers