
Sometimes life can get overwhelming so it seems like there is no way forward and we are going to drown. Yet God is ever waiting to act mightily on our behalf. God is always faithful to assist us even when the darkness seems to close in all around. Look to Jesus. Even when all your friends desert you, Jesus knows the pain of what you are going through. He's been there Himself and will always be faithful and true. You can depend on Jesus. Trust Him. He is faithful even when you aren't. It doesn't matter if you caused the mess you are in, God is still faithful to rescue us in our time of need. Take a moment right now and thank God for being there when you need His comfort, encouragement, and hope. Lean into Him and and don't pull away as you watch Him act mightily on your behalf.⠀

Save me, God, for the waters have come up to my neck! — Psalms 69:1 (WE

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In every possible way God is far better and far above any than any comparison that can be made with Him. There is no other like God, nor will there ever be. He created the entire universe and everything in it just by speaking some words. Our own bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. God packed the potential to create a massive oak tree into every little acorn. Science has studied seeds for thousands of years and still cannot create a seed from scratch that will actually germinate and grow. Yet God created millions of different kinds of seeds back at the very beginning just with His word. God is completely outside of time and sees the end from the beginning. His plans are effective and will come to pass. All that and much, much more is true about our God. Keep that in mind the next time an unbeliever attempts to discount God, His existence, and His ability to impact our world. You can rest in the knowledge and presence of God and know He is able.⠀

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,⠀
and marked off the sky with his span,⠀
and calculated the dust of the earth in a measuring basket,⠀
and weighed the mountains in scales,⠀
and the hills in a balance? — Isaiah 40:12 (WE

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  • About
  • A nonprofit ministry led by Chris & Lisa Cree sharing the goodness of God with Scotland and the world.