6 years ago - Translate


Just heard something new from I believe it was RT News. In regards that filth pedophile Epstein.

That he actually had plans to create a group of 'young women' (* my note – this is how the news source referred to these girls. But they are children – girls as young as 14 is a child, not a young woman) on one of his islands...(all the better so you cannot escape) – and he was planning to impregnate all of them and keep them impregnated...kind of like a gentile puppy mill......and then use the children for genetic experimentation/trans humanistic research. The MSM outlet played this like oh I'm sure this is just 'misinformation' put out by someone....well. I think its probably true.

He donated heavily to science, was sitting on the council of foreign relations and one other massive political body the name escapes me at the moment...

The man is a monster and a danger to society. And have done with him, as one would with a rabid dog. But first, he has to be made to TALK. Who was financing him (he didn't make that money himself – hes a fake billionaire)? Well...that would be MOSSAD. He was their operative, and also the clowns operative. Because the clowns (CIA) work for MOSSAD. Israel pulls the strings of the American Gov't. America has been fighting Israels wars by proxy for the last 50 years or more. Sending the best and brightest of our country's youth out to die for their wars, while they sit back in safety and reap millions off it....war is very profitable. For the elite, anyways.

And now, we are coming to learn how that wasn't enough for them...murdering our young men and women in these wars for profit for them, they ALSO run a black market global child sex slave/cannibalism/blackmailing/adrenochrome harvesting/organs trade ring, where do you think the missing kids go every year? Never to be seen again? Somebody out there has a shopping list.

Not to mention they have a very successful child procurement operation domestically...its called the children's services agency. Where they swoop in at very little provocation and snatch your children. LEGALLY! And the kids vanish into the system. Where they are abused and sold into these rings...they should call it the child procurement agency. Thats REALLY what it is. The level of corruption is off the charts staggering.