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Faktograf in Croatia said , adrenocrome is a lie.

"Conspiracies by the American QAnon community to abduct and kill children are becoming increasingly popular in Croatia as well
May 12, 2020. Ana Brakus

As for US President Donald Trump, he took photos to promote the series "American Horror Story" sung by Lady Gaga, "Satan's Underworld", Bill Gates, citing the abduction of children who will listen as a raw material for the drug "adrenochrome", the most wanted drug "among elite ""?

According to the online community of conspiracy theorists QAnon, US President Trump should have watched us from all other evils.

Members of the QAnon community - a group of people who believe that Donald Trump is a kind of messiah announced the life call of America and the world to save the globalist-pedophile network of powerful people who are tailoring the world order - Faktograf wrote before. These communities wrote in early April in the text "Domazet Lošo merged misinformation about coronation, vaccination and microchips in one big conspiracy theory", and then closed in the text "No, Bill Gates does not want to install a microchip ID2020".

In both cases, we have uncovered theses about “ID chips” that, somehow incorrectly, want to kill the population in the body in the shadow of a new coronavirus pandemic.

No, they are not the only theories derived from the QAnon community, which in the coronavirus pandemic have popularized marginal portals and users of social networks in Croatia and the region.

Coronavirus is not a cover for kidnapping children
The text published on the Slobodari portal was titled "Where are the missing children and what messages do Alemkin WHO send?" It has been shared thousands of times on Facebook, and the CrowdTangle service has had more than 2,000 interactions.

The phrase "Alemkin WHO" refers to the equal Zagreb Clinic for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljević ”to Alemka Markotić and English acronyms of the World Health Organization (World Health Organization). The disappearance of children around the world and the coronavirus pandemic should be linked in the text without any evidence.

"There is a frightening fact that is hidden under the carpet, and it is not solved and it is assumed that" Where are the missing children? "On the cover photo of Lady Gaga's protective ears of the World Organization WHO, these days she constantly remembers that she determined her mercenaries by crisis headquarters. What message does TKO send us as we walk like sheep with masks? Is it freedom of expression if Lady Gaga is pictured with blood on her mouth and décolleté, while next to her three little people added drinking blood? Isn't that maybe some message. Whom?" [sic], is stated in the text of Slobodara.

Free sports photography can be found in the text, and it is part of the advertising campaign for the American TV series "American Horror Story", in whose young season he also had a famous singer. The photo is not, as Slobodari claims, "recent", but it is a 2015 photo.

Lady Gaga was also not a "protective ear" for the World Health Organization, but recently, in collaboration with that organization, organized a charity concert to raise funds to fight the new coronavirus pandemic."

Zavjere američke QAnon zajednice o otimanju i ubijanju djece postaju sve popularnije i u Hrvatskoj - Faktograf.hr

Zavjere američke QAnon zajednice o otimanju i ubijanju djece postaju sve popularnije i u Hrvatskoj - Faktograf.hr

Online zajednica QAnon vjeruje da gobalistički pedofilski lanac otima djecu i koristi ih kao sirovinu za proizvodnju droge adrenokrom.