
4 years ago

FREEDOM OF Conscience....
Where do you find the real law?
Where do you find the Laws above the corporations that call themselves Countries. Canada, USA, UK, Australia, etc, etc, etc.?
Where do you find the "rule of law?

Have these Countries a.k.a. Corporations included theses SUPREME LAWS in their "Constitution"?

Yes, but do some hide it? YES!!!

The ICCPR “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” is where your Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms have been preserved so that tyranny cannot once again, try to breach these Rights.

From the ICCPR Article 18 you can see that you, the Human Being,
Individual has the Right to
-freedom of thought
-freedom of conscience (moral choice of your actions or others)
-freedom of religion

THIS IS ABOVE ANY COUNTRIES A.K.A. Corporation’s Constitution.

Many Countries don’t hide them like USA, Canada, UK does. They play a shell game to make you a Corporate Citizen ie an Employee which governs your rights. This is crimes against humanity!!!!! PERIOD!

If fact the U.S.A. even stated that they are hiding it from you!!

Here is the First Declaration by the UNITED STATES in the signed ICCPR

Declarations:� (1) That the United States declares that the provisions of articles 1 through 27 of the Covenant are not self-executing.

In other words, if you don’t state you want your Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms in tact, you will follow their Corporate Constitution….

Mike Drop!!!!!!!

John Spirit - eternallyaware.com youtube: eternallyaware
Image of Doctor - Christian Dorn


ICCPR - https://drive.google.com/file/....d/11ychKdUS-1I8lSXDs

ICESCR - https://drive.google.com/file/....d/19a9y9D_Y32zqABmIB

UDHR - https://drive.google.com/file/....d/1lwowfKGZKrbGr7tNX

Who is Canada www.iyoutome.com/law

Human Rights History - Look over there—> - www.iyoutome.com/hr

Supreme Court Decisions and Judgements - www.iyoutome.com/hr
