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So this seems like another day where I can do this all day long...connecting my posts to POTUS' tweets through the numbers. I was busy with that farmer tweet, now backing up to the two before that one. So I posted this doing that, but I can connect to more tweets now:

You posted this 14 minutes AFTER my BIG BALLS post so not seeing a connection there but...that 111 there and that 26. In my 8:44 post I posted this:
What day is a 26 day? I don't have anything for that number.
Woven Into Its Threads = 1560 in English (5+6=11...111 an important #)
Just missing that ZERO but I see it in your 8:17:53 tweet that I have yet to go back to...(ZERO!)
So 8:44 to 111 is 2:17 later. Hum?

So above I was connecting things and well POTUS' next two tweets were at:
11:18:20 and 11:18:23 so we are continuing on with that 111 number here.
Also we have an 11:11 in the 1st one...1+8+2=11.
Or we have an 11:11 with those two 11's at the beginning of both timestamps.
And you gave me that 14 I wanted to connect to with 1+8+2+3=14
Am I pushing this you think? Well how about that 217#

The tweet at 11:18:20:
For all of the political hacks out there, if I hadn’t done my job well, & early, we would have lost 1 1/2 to 2 Million People, as opposed to the 100,000 plus that looks like will be the number. That’s 15 to 20 times more than we will lose. I shut down entry from China very early!

The Caps are:
FIMPTIC = 217 in Jewish (There you have it.)
Corn Field = 217 (Your farmer tweet that was next. They all always connect.)
Fire Of God = 217
Higher Fire = 217

In that BIG BALLS song I posted there is a lyric that says, "If your name is on the guest list NO ONE can take you HIGHER. Everyone says I've got GREAT balls of fire". Yes? No? Inappropriate? Well it works and plus POTUS tweeted out yesterday at 2:29:39 this:

I have zero interest in moving the Republican National Convention to Doral in Miami, as falsely reported by the Fake News @nytimes in order to stir up trouble. Ballroom is not nearly big enough & would like to stay in N.C., whose gov. doesn’t even know if he can let people in?

I have to be honest though POTUS, I didn't think about this tweet from yesterday until now. It's like you are trying to clean up my dirty mind for me and help me to apply it to a BIGGER purpose here. I hear you in my head and why I find or think of these things. It's more than just decoding here.

FIMPTIC = 456 in English
Channels = 456 (I am either channeling you or you are channeling something into my brain, in any case we seem to be on that same wave, vibe, frequency here and it's coming in loud and clear today. No static.)

Yep and something just popped. I saw movie in an earlier Gematria and music, well this combines them. Never seen this movie and I see a 57 in the background. I swear you're putting these ideas in my head and just gave me another 57 here AND that 28. I'm not this smart, this is coming from outside of me. Plus, so see this scene as POTUS. This is better than my body surfing idea POTUS. You always one up me. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!!

1:46 pm 5/26/2020.