5 years ago - Translate


~ BarefootCavalry

Our colonial past has now intersected our Marxist future. Time to choose.

Marx was a German revolutionary who was given shelter in England. England was our mother country. We were made to throw them out. Eventually, the British were made to walk the plank at Yorktown, Virginia.

The ties between the two nations were wrapped up nicely by the British financial sector, which eventually rose to prominence here in America, in what we know as the Federal Reserve System.

Through the monied-elite, our 2-party system has been spoiled. But please make no doubt about it, evil is at the root of all our problems.

I will be a great Ally to any Patriot and follow back always. Albeit sometimes later. Still working hard throughout "plandemic dem panic". If you're on twitter say hello @rkline56, you can vett my last four years of tweets if so inclined.

My oath to the government of the USA and the USN have no expiration. Ready for what comes next.