4 years ago - Translate


The "plan" has failed! It was obvious that the deep state would not stand by and watch. Error? to have underestimated the countermoves. Now there is one more ally than the deep state, China! China has always had a desire for imperialism, for supremacy. the occasion has been served on a silver platter, with the fake Covid pandemic. Now your beloved Bill Gates will force you to the vaccine (poison) with built-in control and tracking chip (nanotechnology). Let's face it , the plan is blown!!! We have lost!!! Even if the fraudsters were to jump out at the vote count, the statements that are circulating at this moment are: "The will of the voters must be respected! in the eyes of those who have not "woken up", will seem to be an attempt to overturn the outcome and a "legitimate" winner... not recognizing and respecting the will of the people. The deep state has won! And I am disappointed, I am distraught, and I am afraid for our future!!! God help us!!!