4 years ago - Translate


These slave makers "All or nothing" fights need a few compromises, it's awful to tell the children we didn't even try to waste not, so they would want not. Climate change would be okay if the ppl pushing it had a better attitude and a few H2O modifications with more of the right people supportive in the Climate Change Cliche - the Paris Accord and it's green house initiatives with not making the US paying the bill for everyone when she needs to take care of future generations forests and streams, first. Mark 16 stops at vs 8. No clean food, no water and hemp for compensation that's bad to the bones for future generations to inhale and the big wigs keep talking in their tents and won't heal the budget. It's no wonder people kill themselves, it's the pkg costs to underpaid and overworked ego mania...
the price paid for term politicians.