
SECRET TESTING EM - Mindcontrol brainwave Technology Spychotronic Weapon Technology and Mindcontrol Software torture ware 6 for Satteliyte based Mindcontrol - Some Information look for the link under the Video -

ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control With Dr. John Hall
Do you believe things like this can and do happen?

YouTube Description:

David Knight welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss the facts of the possibilities of Government mind control and Satellite harassment.

Read more about ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control With Dr. John Hall
Unknown at 3:48 AM

UnknownSeptember 15, 2020 at 6:48 AM
MK-Ultra MINDCONTROL Brainwave Technology Today , Brainwave Computer Systems and KillerSatteliyte Systems in Space , Spychotronic weapons, Neuronal Implant's in Human Brain's and HAARP .The Human Race Computer Controlled :

My Mindcontrol Informer - Facebook Account https://m.facebook.com/michael.vonwerthern

Mindcontrol brainwave Technology Today the human Race Computer controlled

Stop Mindcontrol think about the human rights and the Genfer Konvention


UnknownSeptember 22, 2020 at 5:47 AM

UnknownSeptember 22, 2020 at 7:48 AM
SECRET TESTING EM - WEAPON THROUGH SATELLITE Mindcontrol brainwave Technology Spychotronic Weapon Technology and Mindcontrol Software torture ware 6 for Satteliyte based Mindcontrol - Some Information
Klick link


UnknownSeptember 15, 2020 at 6:48 AM
Brainwave technology of Today this is the reality no Science-Fiction there are hunderts of Brainwave killer Satteliyte systems in existence, which are used by governments around the world who are capable of mind control over the people on Earth and manipulate and kill a human unnoticed! Controlled from below with the latest Brainwave technology computer systems thoughts can be manipulated and deleted or implied Computer generated! With the help of microwaves or magnetic waves as carrier waves, Brainwave's can be stacked up and transported and controlled by a computer-controlled directional beam. from a satellite persons can be targeted and controlled monitored from below by heat image or X-ray camera function of the satellite. a mammator with Brainwave headset can implie thoughts in the goal or computer generated and Controled ! Also with the help of neural implants which are very small by Nano technology with transmitter and receiver which can be used unnoticed in the human body Thoughts are implied and recorded! Brainwave computer systems with satellites are capable of probing and analyzing people's human nerv systems and individual brainwaves so that the sugerator can gain complete control ofer a human being unnoticed, and implicate him computer generated thoughts and control him! this is the reality and not science fiction and is already practiced twoday by diligent governments ... goal is the computer Controled human Race ...... STOP

First analog digital Brainwave MINDCONTROL (MK Ultra) computer systems, with oscilloscope, for displaying the brain waves and analogue tape devices called Streamer, for recording and retrieving Brainwave sequences could be accessed by punched tape, from a computer, were developed in Germany in the 20's 40's and further developed by Control Data incorperated USA.. to expand today's Brainwave Computer Technology mindcontrol Systems! At that time it was already possible to store and retrieve complete memory sequences so-called "brainwave tapes" in which complete persons were stored or certain thoughts, memory or movement sequences of the person connected to the computer via the Brainwave headset memory sequences, (Brainwave Tapes) could be stored and retrieved on the computer with the help of key thoughts or pictures from the life of the person who is connected via the headset. To do so, one has to be able to unwind his memories of the whole life, the Keywords or pictures of them Help ! So it is possible to save complete people and exchange others after a brainwash completely by reprogramming them! Movement patterns (motion sequences) of people with headsets can also be stored or retrieved by computer, converted to the Brainwave's other, allowing a person to drive a other completely computer-controlled! With the help of neural implants with transmitter and GPS, or with Brainwave technology (satellite systems) equipped with microwaves or magnetic waves as carrier waves for Brainwave's, and thermal imaging or X-ray function, computer-controlled Humans are already possible twoday ! In addition, today's MINDCONTROL computer systems via satellite also have the ability to intentionally imply or delete thoughts.. that goes so far as to kill people through Brainwave's (stroke - coma - epilepsy)! The governments of the world currently have not only mindcontrol computers with Brainwave Satteliyte systems in space but also the HAARP systems and neural implants to control humanity via brainwave's! The goal is the computer-controlled human and the total control of the governments Mindcontrol .

MK-Ultra MINDCONTROL Brainwave Technology Today , Brainwave Computer Systems and KillerSatteliyte Systems in Space , Spychotronic weapons, Neuronal Implant's in Human Brain's and HAARP .The Human Race Computer Controlled :

My Mindcontrol Informer - Facebook Account https://m.facebook.com/michael.vonwerthern

Stop Mindcontrol brainwave Technology
Think about the human rights


UnknownSeptember 15, 2020 at 6:53 AM
,Mind control brainwave manipulation technology and spychotronic weapons are real prove is here !

Mind control Brainwave manipulation technology, computer systems and software, killer satellites in space - spychotronic weapons, neuronal implants in the brain and HAARP. The computer controlled human Race today!

A link that proves that Mindcontrol is
real and which weapon systems are used and what they do. Mindcontrol software Torture Ware 6 for Satteliyte based Mindcontrol ! Secret Mindcontrol satellite weapons tests and what they can do!


Mindcontrol brainwave Technology Today the human Race Computer controlled

Stop Mindcontrol think about the human rights and the Genfer Konvention help SAVE the KIDS
All about Mindcontrol brainwave Technology today on
My Mindcontrol Informer - Facebook Account https://m.facebook.com/michael.vonwerthern

Mindcontrol brainwave Technology Today the human Race Computer controlled

Stop Mindcontrol think about the human rights and the Genfer Konvention help SAVE the KIDS


UnknownSeptember 29, 2020 at 2:25 AM
MK-Ultra Brainwave MINDCONTROL Nano Technologie Twoday , Neuronal Implant's with Transmitter in Human Brain's , make's it posible to Record the Brainwave's (thoght's and movement paterns) of a human , and implicate thoght's and Control a human body Computer Controled, depending how strong the Implant is it is posible to Control a human
by Brainwave Computer Systems complete with Transmitter Systems and Satellit's ,.neuronale implants - The Human Race Computer Controled :


UnknownSeptember 29, 2020 at 2:26 AM

Psychotronic Brainwave technology weapon ,and Satellit Systems are capebl to manipulated, implie and deleted thought's Computer controld or thought's can be Transmittet from a Person with brainwave Headset in to the Target ! With the help of microwaves or magnetic waves as carrier waves, Brainwave's can be stacked up and transported in to the target by a computer-controlled directional beam, in to the Target Brain , from a satellite persons can be targeted and controlled , monitored from below by heat, image ,X-ray and Field Camera function of the satellite or weapon System , a Sugerator ( Controller) with Brainwave headset can implie thoughts in the goal, or also computer generated and Controled ! With the new brainwave Computer Systems it is posibl to drive a Human Body and control it unnoticed from the Target and cose Pain
Epilepsy or Coma and also kill a human !
Brainwave technology of twoday this is the reality no Science-Fiction !

MK-Ultra Brainwave MINDCONTROL Nano Technologie Today , Neuronal Implant's with Transmitter in Human Brain's , make's it posible to Record the Brainwave's (thoght's and movement paterns) of a human , and implicate thoght's and Control a human body Computer Controled, depending how strong the Implant is it is posible to Control a human
by Brainwave Computer Systems complete ,.The Human Race Computer Controled :

MK-Ultra MINDCONTROL Brainwave Technologie Today , Brainwave Computer Systems and KillerSatteliyte Systems in Space , Neuronal Implant's in Human Brain's and HAARP .The Human Race Computer Controled


UnknownSeptember 29, 2020 at 2:29 AM
Brainwave Memory Tape's (Neuronal- Stream) and movement pattern's can be recorded with Brainvave computer systems with headsets to record Brainwave's on Audio Tape Streamer's or computer system's !
With the help of Brainwave Technology mindcontrol Systems , it is already possible to store and retrieve complete memory sequences so-called "brainwave Tapes" in which complete persons were stored or certain Memory segments or movement sequences of the person connected to the computer via the Brainwave headset ,memory sequences, (Brainwave Tape's) could be stored and retrieved on the computer or analog Tape Streamer, with the help of key thoughts or pictures from the life of the person who is connected via the headset. To do
so, one has to be able to unwind his Memory of the whole life, the Keywords or pictures of them Help to do so ! So it is possible to save complete Person's and exchange others after a brainwash completely by reprogramming them with Brainwave Technologie Computer Systems and the Brainwave Tape's of others !
Brainwave Memory Tape's (Neuronal- Stream) Modulation with the Help of Analog Synthesizer's, Vocoder's and Harmonizer's

With the help of Brainwave Technology Systems ,and Analog Synthesizer's it is already possible to store and retrieve complete memory sequences so-called brainwave Tapes (Neuronal Stream's) in which complete persons were stored certain Memory segments or movement sequences of the person connected to the computer via the Brainwave headset ,memory sequences, (Brainwave Tape's) could be stored and retrieved on the computer or analog Tape Streamer, with the help of key thoughts or pictures from the life of the person who is connected via the headset. And then the Analog Brainwave Sequence can be Modulatet in to Audio Tones with the help of analog Synthesizer with Audio Input or Harmonizer's and Vocoder's to be used in and on to Music as Audio Brainwave Tracks! So it is posible to Transforme Brainwave Tape's in to Music, and implicate Memory Sequenzes through Music on the Sounds! It may be posible to Transforme komplet Person's through Music unnoticed from the listener in to an other Person ! The Technology can be used to Transforme Wisdom of other People and Convertet Wisdom out of the Internet on and in Music !


UnknownSeptember 29, 2020 at 2:32 AM
Brainwave Memory Tape's (Neuronal- Stream)

With the help of Brainwave Technology mindcontrol Systems , it is already possible to store and retrieve complete memory sequences so-called "brainwave Tapes" in which complete persons were stored or certain Memory segments or movement sequences of the person connected to the computer via the Brainwave headset ,memory sequences, (Brainwave Tape's) could be stored and retrieved on the computer or analog Tape Streamer, with the help of key thoughts or pictures from the life of the person who is connected via the headset. To do
so, one has to be able to unwind his Memory of the whole life, the Keywords or pictures of them Help to do so ! So it is possible to save complete Person's and exchange others after a brainwash completely by reprogramming them with Brainwave Technologie Computer Systems and the Brainwave Tape's of others !
The Human Race Computer Controled :

