3 years ago - Translate


MASKS.... I cant believe I am wasting my time on this- but I am pretty confident within the next few days/weeks we will be able to tell the Hybrids from Humans...or ones who are so far gone.... there is no hope. Anyone that is still wearing them - when not necessary has had 3 SHOTS .... for sure.... you can SMELL them!!!
Tell me this is'nt being done on purpose by the White Hats so WE can tell for sure !!!!

PHOTO 1 - these are the new masks they will be distributing for free - you would have to go to your local muni building or Post Office to get one. I do not believe they will be mailed ... This means there is effort involved and your probably standing on line. This HOT MESS of a mask is so over the top - I am starting to see clients walking in with them on - one woman had it on and it was the dirtiest mask I have ever seen... I do not think you can wash them..FYI - it says right on the writing that it doesn't prevent Covid - or something like that.

PHOTO 2- Are the ones that were mailed out in the beginning - these are another indicator of a seriously VAXXED hybrids or seriously brainwashed people?.. - I still sees these and they wear one under it - doubled.....

PHOTO 3- Ahh the NEW DUCK MASKS - and that is what they are called...see someone wearing these ???- I don't know /PUNCH THEM.... ???? I would probably start laughing...

PHOTO 4 - FEEDER CLASSIC....... if you couldn't look more like a sheep..really?..throw them some grains.....

These MASKS are a HUGE problem where I live - I am seeing more and more people wearing MASKS..... and in the car too... I would say 85% - 90% of people walking into my showroom wear them... Trader Joes is the worse- like 98% have them on...
(I have a feeling Boca Raton is filled with HYBRIDS)...
