2 years ago - Translate - Facebook


NO ONE believes you Joe, On day one of your administration, you put all the regulations back on our energy companies and closed down our pipelines. That started the ball of rolling inflation, then the border crisis you created, burning down food factories doesn't help our food supply, closing the ports halted our supply chain, restrictions on truckers across the nation put many out of business and prevented them from entering California, allowing crime across America to go unpunished, ignoring violent protests, restrictions on our police forces, food "recalls"and FDA guidelines caused shutdowns at plants, refusing to negotiate the Ukraine/Russia Nato expansion created a volatile situation, massive spending on the green deal nonsense is the icing on the cake. This is your America, own it. We knew a Biden Presidecy would turn the US into a 3rd world country. You deliberately dismantled every aspect of capitalism in our country, and we all watched like helpless puppets. Where is our line of defense against a corrupt government?https://www.facebook.com/10007....1311602598/videos/47