2 years ago - Translate



Red-Pilling 101 - I’ve done this in the past, but I fear I’ve still been too vague. I’m going to go over my methods on how to wake up normies, as well as what NOT to do

Red-Pilling 101 - I’ve done this in the past, but I fear I’ve still been too vague. I’m going to go over my methods on how to wake up normies, as well as what NOT to do

As a general rule of thumb, you should NOT be approaching anyone with any of this stuff. Nobody likes to be bombarded with information they didn’t ask for. You should be educating yourself, and conducting yourself in a certain manner, and the normies will come to you.

Carry yourself in a manner that says “I don’t subscribe to the false reality”. People can sense it on you. When asked your opinion on something, state it proudly. But don’t go out of your way to tell people about this stuff. The curious ones, they will detect that you are different and don’t act like the rest of the brainwashed lemmings, and they will come to you.

These curious normies, who have started to notice the narrative being fed to them is bullshit, they will ask you stuff like “hey what do you think about this?”, Or “did you see this?”, looking to get a response from you, for an alternative perspective to what they get from their MSM echo chamber.

This is when you have opportunity to show them irregularities in what they are being fed. If you are able to show them one irregularity, they will be inspired to look for other irregularities in their narrative(s), and their search for truth begins. And depending on how close you are with the person, they will come back with more questions. And it’s our individual responsibility to be as well versed as possible, so we can assist those with questions and curious minds.