

www.independentsentinel.com (https://[a]www.independentsentinel.com%2Fbiden-wants-donald-trump-indicted-by-november%2F[/a])

Biden Wants Donald Trump Indicted by November

Prominent people insist Donald Trump must be prosecuted for something, and we now have disloyal former staffers covering for Attorney General Merrick Garland. An indictment seems inevitable. Based on his sources, Bill O’Reilly said in a recent Factor show that all of this is coming down from Joe Biden, who wants him indicted before November.

O’Reilly reported on September 6, “…it is President Biden himself directing the attempted takedown of Donald Trump. Usually, Mr. Biden is disengaged from policy, doing what his far-left handlers want. Not this time.

“The President wants the Justice Department to indict Trump before the midterm election, believing many independent voters will turn against Republican candidates, especially those who support Trump.

“So, it’s going to be a blood feud between the two presidents.”

Biden is catering to his WEF friends.

Normally, we wouldn’t give too much credence to anonymous sources but judging from the way the fishing expeditions are advancing, we’d say it’s a real possibility.



Like Barr, former Trump attorney Ty Cobb told the news outlet he believes the possibility of Trump being indicted is “very high.”