
Angels Here -Z Sir Huckleberry Copperbotom
4 seconds ago
Good morning Patriots!

Understand that knowing & realizing the truth about the past is important but like he says what God has ahead of you is more important than what is behind you.

If we allow the sins of the past to define our future... well... you are screwed imho.

IMO we, souls are here for 1 of 2 reasons, perhaps many are here to do both.
1. For our souls to learn lessons, to advance to higher densities, higher levels of existence dimensions.
2. Here to help other old souls defeat satan's hell matrix & free this planet from centuries of bondage in his evil game of life & create a new Divine God Matrix.

If you start with God & realize 1st that YOU ARE A DIVINE FRACTAL PIECE OF God, created by the highest density being in existence, the Creator of ALL that IS, it will be easier to move forward & stop looking back.
Why keep looking in the rear view mirror?
Look to God Look Forward.
Don't be defined by your past!