1 year ago - Translate


In the 60's they had you stand and pledge your heart to America! An experiment to see if free men could govern themselves! Today, flying your American Flag lands you on the FBI's domestic terrorist list! You're not in a country, you are in a Corporation! ALL CAPITOL LETTERS! You have no government, you do have people acting as Senators, congressmen and President. All playing out the roles given to them. They do not act in your interest! They do what our owners tell them! Period. Same as everyone else in the world! Nobody is passing bills, or sending equipment, money and men to a war in Ukraine that is playing theater for American television while we move steadily to their goal in agenda 21 and 30. Right on target! It has been planned for years. Your reactions are all toward the World's biggest soap opera! You are saturated with queers, trans-genders, cross-dressers and dangerous perverts after your kids! You are living in a police state. Criminals and millions of illegal aliens do as they please, while people who are doing what they were taught sit in jail. There is no justice, no legal and fair laws! This would not and could not happen in a land owned by it's civilians! It's not about money as much as you think. They have power, power to print money till the cows come home, and they have been since 1933! You can't get your country back! It does not exist! The illusion is the matrix! We were commodities, now we are liabilities! You are caught in a worldwide bankruptcy! They are liquidating and starting over. No more than 500,000 people are beneficial to them, and that's only if they are indoctrinated and young! All these stories are just to keep you busy while they continue getting us out of the way while we stay entranced on all the shit they provide to keep looking at the movie! How many people here in the US have died from the fake Covid Virus that was designed on a computer! Dying daily from the death jabs? And they didn't have to fire a shot to do it! It is a simple plan. Keep you focused on the movie while downsizing our numbers and turning us against ourselves. When we are low enough and can't trust anyone, then they will gather the rest of your privileges, guns, cars, and food stocks. There is a hog ring in our noses, and we are being led to slaughter! Yeah, I know, that could never happen here, but it is! Just ask those in jail from Jan. 6th. For loving their country and proud of their flag, they suffer while people who hate us are on the red carpet! Money has nothing to do with it. When we are all out of the way, they just gather it all up!