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Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:
To those who have a heart to be helpful, be mindful of the limitations of your strength and energy. Take time to rest and recharge, and be kind to yourself. Spend time in My presence so that your discernment is sharp and directives are clear.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

December 14, 2024. I want you to know that you have never disappointed Me. You say, “That’s too good to be true.” I say, “This is where you are wrong.” You see My love covers a multitude of sins. I knew your choices before you ever made them and because of that I have made a way out! Yes, I am The Waymaker. My thoughts are on always helping you out of a bad situation – I AM the way.

Psalm 91:14-15 “Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.” Robin Robinson Bohlin

December 14, 2024. An eagle soars high in the sky. That eagle was not always elevated but chose to rise to what it was designed to be. I have designed you to soar, without fear, into the high, elevated blessings that are yours because you are My child. Do not allow the enemy to keep you on the ground but look to Me and My ways to receive the abundant blessings that have been provided to you. Soar high!

Isaiah 40:31 “But those who trust in the LORD will change in strength. They shall grow wings like eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not hunger.” Jonas Bohlin

December 14, 2013. (Reposted) I have words to say through you. Don't be troubled over what I want to say. Record what you have heard and what you continue to hear. I am preparing hearts to hear what you will say. Don't say any more and don't say any less. Say precisely what I have revealed to you. Fear not. Don't use excess emotion or the emoting will be the thing that calls for a response rather than what is said. It will be up to those who hear to heed what is said.

John 8:28 "So Jesus said, "Whenever you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me." Bev Robinson

December 14, 2013. (Reposted)
Fathers, mothers, patriarchs and matriarchs who love God have a fear of God. This fear of God cannot be hidden away, but is to be kept on display. It must be seen in action in a consistent way. As this is done, the family becomes a fortress for its members and a refuge for their off spring. God promises that to fear Him is to receive from Him a fountain of life. The fear and dread of death vaporizes. It is not a snare to them, but a joyful transitioning to Heaven.

Proverbs 14:26-27 "In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and he leaves his children a support. The commandment of the Lord is a fountain of life; and it causes men to turn aside from the snare of death." Ras Robinson