“Sharia Law – loving congressman Illan Omar was trying to silence Tucker Carlson for daring to criticize her”
Boom, 30 day FB ban for speaking out against sharia law
defending free speech against Sharia Law is no longer allowed in the People’s Republic of Facebook.
Message fromQ .. get out of CA ..NOW .,, No questions asked ifs ands or buts ..Leave Ca
Performance Upgrades Tonight!!
Also very behind on DM's. Apologies Patriots, been focused on this last update so we can get the Android App out.
God, let it not be....
since someone posted about a possible tsunami in CA besides the earthquakes imagine a map of USA CA is practically gone FL practically gone Washington state is sort of cut off people talk about Yellowstone having the capacity to wipe out the rest of the country.. it may not happen any time soon but could happen in the future.. but for now kind of a foreshadowing