Q Post 4336 1:39:20: (late last night.)
USA v Japan
Critical thinking.
Timestamp of next Q post below: 12:258
10 hours 46 minutes later. And I see the seconds are 20+8=28!
My 11:16 Post, 14 before to POTUS' 12:20:11 Tweet
My 2:22 Post, 22 later to POTUS' 12:20:11 Tweet...111.
My 11:16 Post had 122 Gematria # in it...110
It also had 396 Gematria # in it, the Q post above...120 and SIX.
It also had 252 Gematria # in it, the Q post below...108
It also had 1647 Gematria # in it, The Q post time difference,
it's Q posting so, Q 17 and 64 mirror 46...10 hours 46 minutes.
120 and 108 take the double 10's out and you have 28.
How I started that 11:16 post out:
So I hit post at 10:28 and it was perfect because it's 28 day and then I check to see if POTUS tweeted. Nope didn't get a ZERO DELTA again with POTUS, but he did tweet SIX minutes after and we seem to be on SIX lately at 10:34:10...Doubles, double 10's with that 3+4=7 IN THE MIDDLE there. It's like that DoubleMint Gum commercial that was full of TWINS!
So I'm sitting here IN THE MIDDLE of these two Q posts. It was a little bit of a tough one there POTUS but I can always match things up in my mind. I think you're testing my skills on this one. How did I do? You know that 11:16 post was talking about the MOSES one and that pretty amazing thing that happened with my daughter and the timing with that 88022 text. It was a GOD thing. Long line of dots always.
Q post 4337 at 12:258: (this after noon on 5/28/20.)
Expanding on last drop:
USA v Japan
"Let that sink in: 42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in facilities that house 0.62% of the U.S. population." [nursing home(s)]
Why did our 'nursing home' population suffer a direct hit re: COVID-19 deaths?
NY & NJ GOV [order(s)] [push] COVID-19 positive elderly > nursing home(s)?
USNS Comfort capacity?
Hospital capacity?
What other [D] GOV(s) mandated similar-same order(s)?
Ask yourself a very simple question - was it known [common sense and [early] medical reports] elderly community most at risk?
Ignorance is a choice.
But let's actually talk about these Q posts. My answer here is that this is like when the government infected the blankets they gave the Indians with Smallpox...only this time they used other old people. Plus makes me wonder what the cost of those old people are to these failing states. It's a way to lower their costs, just kill of their old people. Old people are pretty costly and money, not human life, is all that matters to THEM. THEY are the NAZIS!!!
3:33 pm 5/28/2020.
Came across this app out of the blue. Wondering how long it's been around and are many people using it?. So far it seems ok. Any feedback?