The NFL prostitute scandal stuff seems to be about detailing the method and procedures of 'just' surveillance. Personally; I understand privacy as somewhat of a lie. Name me an animal that has privacy - the whole nature of survival is about the safety net of others. Families that had 3 generations living in the same house stretching back to the birth of civilization had none of this 'privacy'. listen, if you have nothing to hide; and nothing you haven't owned... and you don't do stupid shit that would bother others... why would you need privacy? Privacy is compartmentalization. It destroys the collective. Just make sure you understand all that it implies. It's never this way or that way - it's always a bit of both ~ entropy. #[8830]
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You know what I saw on FB today? Tunnels were found under the Smokey Mountains. They called them "Moonshine Tunnels". I wonder what else they were used for??
Special prayers tonight for the people of Venezuela. These people are starving. I really don't know all that is going on, but via a special request from a special person who is compassionate about these people and especially the children, please, please pray for them. We must do something to help these people gain control of their country and correct these things that the government has done.