Do you know who the elect of God is in the Last days? If you don’t then that explains why you are so upset. I want you to look up the elect of God. And the seal of God. - predestined? Why yes.. all this is supposed to happen? Why yes. God foretold us all things? Why yes! Now if you need salvation. We will walk you through it so you too can have everlasting life. His name is above all names. Yashua Jesus. Do you need comfort? We will pray for you and with you. Do you need faith? Without it you can’t please God. Now this is important questions for you to think and read upon in this very hour. For God of the Mountains,,is God of the valley’s. And I believe there is more mercy in the valley than on top of the mountains. So if we can help you..please ask. That’s why we are here. 🇺🇸❤️🙏