HELP ME WITH A GOOD COME BACK: Funny how everyone at my job has had Covid - except for me????--- They are constantly getting tested and its like they are waiting for the one test that reads- well reads whatever it wants.
Yesterday- my Boss came back after 2 weeks of having "Covid" she was going to get tested again.. I said WHY?- She said: "Because I want to make sure you are safe"- I said "Please dont get tested - I am fine"....
A few others jumped into the conversation and one (my assistant) said I have to take Thursday off to get my parents vax.... I said: "Do you know what is in the VAX?"- NO????- Actually silence... I tried to quick educate but only got:'WELL THAT IS YOUR OPINION"- I said : "Its not my opinion - I have done extensive research - have you?"- Again silence.
In my circle - I am seeing NO ONE waking up.... and where do they get off saying its my OPINION or its my BELIEF????- What is yours? and what is it based off of?"... I probably answered my own question - but you get the point...
My 3-4D self wants to SAVE AND EDUCATE - but my 5D self is saying they need it this way- they need to stay "Comfortably Numb"..... They would never make it in the New World.... its hard to think like that but its the truth.... and speaking of TRUTH - it does not set everyone free... TRUTH VIBRATES AT A HIGHER FREQUENCY AND SOMETIMES TRUTH HAS NO BUSINESS IN IGNORANT EYES!!!