Well FDA fully approved the Pfizer Vax! The mandates will be coming even faster now. Let the lawsuits begin! #fuckyourmandate
Get ready as the Biden Admin is about to mandate the Jab! DOJ just gave the green light saying that any Jab mandate was within legal authority, and MASKs are needed for people whom have been jabbed already. Is this the point where we finally say fuck you, and fight back? #governmentoverreach
I fear a US dollar collapse or change in currency. Something in my gut tells me that this will happen, maybe not now but eventually. All this spending, all this debt will come back to bite us in the @ss! The quickest way to destroy the middle class is to take away their hard earned cash with a transfer of currency at a lower percent. Glenn Beck said it best! #nwo, #globaldomination
The REPUBLICAN PARTY is over! Let it be said that this day marks the beginning of the new revolution! We the people vs the Government! America will not fall victim any longer! We must use this moment in history to fuel us to a new America!