Checkmate Bitches lmao
Watching Scooby Doo on a cold Winter morning, that's Saturday morning to me.
How many of y'all grew up as I did?
Message 1/12/2021 Part 2: This new template of the age of enlightenment is in the energy and has been anchored into the DNA of the masses. They just have to wake up to that moment of knowing this is not how they want to live any longer. They have to consciously reject the reverse engineering of the reality of the darkness in order for them to understand there is a different reality they can help to co create. This is God awareness. This is awareness of the spiritual gifts within that have the power to create a reality of grandeur for humanity. This is what is in your future of magnificent splendor, the glorious reality in which you are living your Divinity, the desire of the Creator which is also the desire of the heart, you see?
We know this is your future. We see you already in the glorious age of enlightenment. We see you joyous and living from your heart centers. We assure you in the future we will be standing with you on earth and in the universe for space travel to planets and places unknown will be common in the age of enlightenment. Inventions and technologies bringing ease to living will be the norm. Flying cars and teleportation will be among some of the advanced technologies you will partake in, in the not too distant future. Still there will be a progression of gradual unfoldment of all the goodies the age of enlightenment will bring to you. If we told you all that is in your future, first of all it would ruin the surprise and secondly it would be too much that it would be perceived as unbelievable. So we just give you little tidbits so that you hold hope in your hearts in knowing that life on planet earth is about to change dramatically for the better in ways you cannot imagine.
You have always had superpowers to create a planet that is like a dream with goodness as its framework of reality. Those of you reading these messages for a while have learned it was the machinations of the darkness who created a planet of limitations. These limitations held you in bondage and kept your gifts from you. This is to be no longer. This is the time in the age of enlightenment that you live from your divinity, a life of unlimited possibilities.
We also understand the psyche of humanity. We understand that too much change at once is incomprehensible. We think of ourselves as being in your shoes. What is the first technology that should be released? What would benefit humanity the most without overloading their psyche. So you see there is a well planned progression in the release of the technologies and in the spiritual gifts that you will employ in this new reality.
But let us tell you in living from your divinity there is a quantum leap forward in the joy you will experience in life. We the Pleiadians are joyous individuals. We live from our heart centers We communicate from our hearts as we are largely telepathic and only use language when we feel the need or desire to do so. We live in joy, peace, abundance and prosperity in a community in which there is no suffering. This is the future for humanity. We are just here as guides to help you to unwrap the gifts that have been given to you. We remind you of these gifts and show you how to access them, you see?
We would like when you go through the difficult time when the machinations of the darkness are revealed worldwide that you remember the endgame, you remember the prize. You are a spiritual being who has a divine connection with the Creator of all and with all including us, your cosmic family. This is the prize and what a prize it is! :-)
We are so proud of our cosmic family, our human family. We are here for you. Remember all the help you are getting from the heavenly hosts. You are supported and you are greatly loved. In fact you are love and you are connected to the love of every other being in creation. We ask you to remember this please. We are sending you so much love and blessings, blessings, blessings. We bid you and your family well on this day. The Pleiadians”