Twitter suspended my acct. so I came to WeGo. I have continued to read some patriots' that are still on Twitter. I have made another Twitter acct, because I see so much apathy after what happened yesterday. They need encouragement.
It's all fake folks. The White Hats are in control. Everything about inauguration was pre-recorded. What you are seeing is doubles....puppets who are doing as directed to do so those who are still asleep will wake up! The swamp is already taken care of, but this has to play itself out. All will be revealed in due time. Check out Hillary at the Inauguration and then shortly after.....specifically the hair. It's all optics. That's why I say, don't get anxious or nervous. We don't know all what is going on behind the scenes, but we do know that this is far from over. Trumps farewell speech told us he would be back and the best is coming.
I've given myself brain ache trying to make out if these letters mean anything!