What Juan O Savin said makes so much more sense now.
If I am in the foxhole with fellow soldiers and the enemy is seemingly sitting on higher ground shelling us and ranting over a loud speaker (MSM) that he has won... the last person I want in the foxhole with me is someone who starts whining... "we lost, the whole war was a waste, I should have never joined this fight..."
I want someone commited to the cause of Freedom & Goodness:
"And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death."
Rev 12:11
He was trying to warn us this would happen. He even said that Biden would be sworn in. Then he started talking about fighting from the low ground when our enemy has the high ground. He talked about luring the enemy out to come after us, and then slamming the lid of the trap down on their heads.
Bringing the whole freaking cabal, evil temple, down on their heads.
He said it would be Biblical.
Why Biblical?
Because it is all based on FAITH.
OMG! They're gonna kill Biden at the inauguration and blame on a Trump fan, at least that's my read on this. Help me peeps...
CNN fake news
They want radio stations shut down also so the EBS can’t be transmitted
They want to shut any form of communication between you and the president