We The People Aren't Cowards:
They want us to give up. They want us to be more divided. They want us to turn our back on the President. I stand, as a Patriot of America, with President Donald J Trump. Do you? https://t.co/9gpqPQyePY
Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB, in a 1984 interview by G Edward Griffin, illustrated the components required for the Marxist revolution happening in America. Here, I broke down his interview of what a Marxist-Leninist takeover of a nation needs to succeed.
This page is simply a place to showcase all of my articles showing the true character of the radical Left, which I fondly refer to as the Trump Derangement Syndrome Series.
The draconian lockdown orders from the Leftist governors, like Gavin Newsom, are increasingly resembling the lockdowns on the Chinese people by the Chinese Communist Party. There is no end in sight. Where do you draw the line? https://t.co/bMNT01CxRY
I'll be making a guest appearance on the ever-growing podcast–Below The Line–tomorrow, Tuesday December 29th, at 7pm CST. Below The Line is hosted by Jon Robberson (@RobbersonJon) and Bill Chapman (@GPatriot151). We'll be talking about the COVID-19 vaccine, Bill Gates, and more!
Many people are expressing their concerns over the possibility of receiving the new mRNA COVID vaccines, and for good reasons. In this breakdown, I will be explaining some side effects of these and past traditional vaccines, and their odds.