It's time for more prayer, Patriots! I hope you are praying without ceasing!
Heavenly Father, yesterday we had what we thought might be a set-back. But we know YOU are in charge. We know that even though at times thinks look bad, but in the end, they are working as they should. Lord, we are asking that our President remain in office, and that all the corruption is exposed and the people of this nation see with their own eyes the vile and evil and horrible things that have been done in our nation for the globalists to gain power over us. If this time is not the time for the NWO, Lord, please give us strength and knowledge to do what we need to do to stop this evil and keep a man that you choose to remain in the office of the White House. Lord, keep us focused on You and Your Word. You are sovereign. You make ways when there is no way. You are our HIGH TOWER. Please blanket this nation with eyes that are open to YOU, and eyes that can see the truth (YOUR WORD), and wisdom to see what is going on (this globalist takeover with the Biden camp). Allow those who are asleep to wake up and have their eyes washed clean of the fog, and the brainwashing to dissolve and for clarity to take over. We ask this, now, in this time of confusion for all of us, to know and be confident in this victory for our President. We love You Lord, and we trust You! If these things are not part of your plan, we still trust You, Almighty God, and we know that in the end, YOU WIN!!!