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Get the Lid OFF
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MOVING (a little long), but worth reading.
AUSTRIA ~ before and after totalitarianism ~ an eyewitness account. This is what almost happened to our blessed and loved country! Thank you PATRIOTS!


THIS news release is more important then MSM is making it out to be:
Starting to take action against illegals at all levels - these actions are for promoting Subsys - a sublingual FENTANYL spray, a powerful, but highly addictive, opioid painkiller!!!


Bill passes TN Legislature 2016 ~ House HB2593 Senate SB2484 ~ achievement surpassed obstacles imparted by millionaire lobbying all along the way to defeat passage ~ I wondered for years why anyone would not want to help survivors of child sexual abuse? I understand now, why ~ (((they))) are so entrenched in every part of lives, there was no way (((they))) would allow any change to SOLs (Statute of Limitations) that would put (((their))) livelihood or purse in jeopardy. Celebrate the moment(s) of success ~ 1.5 minutes to pass my bill for 20 years of work ~ PERSISTENCE AND PATIENCE PREVAILS!!!