Just got three (3) days suspension on Facebook for posting a Juan O Savin video:
IN THE VIDEO BELOW SHOW JUAN O SAVIN TALKS ABOUT HOW SHEDDING (OF HUMAN SKIN A NATURAL OCURRANCE) is causing people who are not vaxed to get infected...They think it's shedding but in reality this is what the plan always was and why they didn't need to vax everyone...but it's the NANO WITH PIONS....ACCORDING TO A SECRET SOURCE the prions found in the VACCINES are engineered to attach to NANO (also in the vax) and JUMP FROM PERSON TO PERSON...AS OF 5 YEARS AGO….(this is from a top scientist unnamed) AND the VAX contains covid19 which contains Nano AI... THIS IS A TRANSHUMAN AGENDA—Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Also see my interviews with Cyrus Parsa for more on how Nano AI is contained in the bioweapon
AND the so-called vaccines are NOT Vaccines they are gene therapy intended to mutate your DNA. They are not really "trying" to kill masses but they are happy to have masses die as COLLATERAL DAMAGE...in order to jump to humanity 3.0 --- a race of CYBORGS AND ANDROIDS....they know certa
The Truth shall set You free. Please, watch & share.