Just a thought all Q post have multiple meanings. Thought popped into my head about follow the white rabbit. Most are aware on one path white rabbit leads to adrenochrome another to Podesta art work. Stay with me. Now since Q said we are taking back our numbers symbols and dates. Follow the White rabbit Path could be taking back Easter the bunny in the beggining on balcony Tippy Top and now itis said to be the cullmination of one act in this play. Think of it uniting all Gods children. people are praying again and coming to the. Father on Easter weekend. Going to be Biblical. Praise God Above. Amen
So did I hear correctly that The Hurricane IdA is now down graded to a tropical storm?
Have to say I found one more blessing from God today. One of my co workers . Has to have heart surgery so before they would do it he had to be tested. Claimed positive now has started the first round of the vax. I just told my Boss I would not be being tested nor getting a vax because I have been working around employee the previous week. However I trust God and my immune system is top notch. Yes he is also vaxxed. His reply was a fist bump lol. So I got no argument. Praise God. Love counting blessings.
Apparently with the new Google slogan they are pushing the poison harder than ever. Clicking on each masked letters direct you to nearest testing,, vax center. SMH. God I pray you remove these devil's from our midst. AMEN SAVE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR PEOPLE.In Jesus Precious name Amen
Every time I hear about flooding. it reminds me of a few things. I. Biblical, 2. Watch the Water and 3. Flooding Dumbs
Quick question is this the original President Trump because just a couple nights ago at the kick off Rally he was sporting a Grey look so who is the original and who is the double. Because now he is blonde again. Stay Safe sir regardless off which one is the original. We know you Won Bigly Sir.