Kathryn Roberts
August 21 at 4:36 PM ยท
This is from a reliable source!
EMERGENCY REPORT!!! DEMS SENDING OUT TEXT MESSAGES TO REPUBLICAN REGISTERED VOTERS ASKING YOU TO HIT THE LINK TO REQUEST A MAIL IN BALLOT... It will look like the real thing when they send it to you if you respond...BUT, your ballot will be disqualified because it is NOT an official Ballot.... Today they sent millions of texts out. I got one and emailed it to AG Barr directly...I Pray we are doing the exact same thing to all Dem voters...IT IS VOTER NULLIFICATION!!!! DO NOT ANSWER THE TEXT!!!!
@TheDemocrats #sheeple THAT IS RACIST FROM WHAT YOU ALL HAVE BEEN SAYING! #democratshypocrisyknowsnobounds ONLY A BRAINWASHED, DUMBED DOWN, INDOCTRINATED, DEAF, DUMB, BLIND, DUMBASS WOULD VOTE FOR #nogojoe and #kamalawhoreharris
Once again a Demonrat lied out her ass today on Fox business. She said that her constituants would not be able to get their Social Security checks if there are problems with the Post Office (which they blame on Trump). Social Security checks haven't been mailed for at least 30 years. They are transmitted electronically as all other Federal Checks. Clinton started that change to checks to save millions of taxayers dollars. It was part of his reinventing government endeaver. It takes a real idiot for a Demonrat to not even know the achievements of their own party. And it takes a stupid reporter not to correct their error.