Okay, sorry about all of this; it has been a busy evening and on top of that my computer is acting very slow. So, what I wanted to show you was this.... This is the itinerary for tomorrows festivities; check out the times, specifically 848 pm. Who times out everything down to the minute? So, me being a curious person decided to plug 848 into Q's search and I came up with.
Mar 06, 2018 129:33 AM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bf34e No. 562944
Mar 06, 2018 125:51 AM EST
Anonymous ID: 14c558 No. 562883
Calm. Tranquil. Setting sun. Dusk
Peaceful end to the 70-year-old nightmare. No more division, no more fuse.
Setting sun of the fake half of the hermit kingdom in a tranquil manner.
Kim boy looks beaten, puffing out chest in last act of defiance.
Yes, I know Q was talking about Kim Jungun at the time, but what does Q tell us, that future can prove past. Look at the wording, and think of Biden. Now I might be wrong, but to me this is very coincidental.
Calm. Tranquil. Setting sun. Dusk
Peaceful end to the 70-year-old nightmare. No more division, no more fuse.
Setting sun of the fake half of the hermit kingdom in a tranquil manner.
Calm, Tranquil, setting sun, Dusk = late in the evening
End to the 70-year nightmare = For so many years the U.S, has been controlled by the Cabal
Hermit Kingdom- in 2009 it was used by United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
At 848 tomorrow Biden and Harris will be on national t.v. for the Gala, NATIONAL T.V.
Could it be, that tomorrow is the day that Beijing Biden, the one half of the corrupt government is arrested?
They are coming, again! I better stay way from sources they monitor heavy.
Rare Micro Expression From Genius FLOTUS (@3:16)
(Micro-smile often indicative of telling a lie)
This seems noteworthy, due to her IQ of 200 and her intensely reserved personality. FLOTUS is a super genius and linguist, and leading me to believe the micro expression was done on purpose...my question is was this a signal in some way...epic foreshadowing of possible future events? Wink to the patriots?
Edit: I know the Military and Daddy Trump Got this, and Im in not way saying she's advocating violence. I just thought this was out of character, and I know how incredibly measured she is so this is just interdasting thats all... LOVE OUR FLOTUS!!!