Looks like Klause Schwab and the WEF has a back door to no one should own pets. Already the shelters are packed, euth rates skyrocketing, standard vet care double and tripled in cost almost overnight, can't get appointments, almost no emergency care, most not taking new clients at all. We are on our way to not having pets just like the WEF wants.
Eric Matheny 🎙️
Releasing the Epstein client list is not a matter of entertainment or mere curiosity.
It is the right of the people to know who in positions of tremendous social, political, and economic power are abusing children.
Dems plan on not attending the Trump joint session and opting to spend time with their "Ukrainian constituents". I guess that means they don't have any American constituents.
I'll tell you what you get. Prices unaffordable over night. Unavailability of appts., no local emergency care, pet population explosion/packed animal shelters, vets that can't diagnose unless you pay for 1000's in diagnostic tests first. Any vet that did this sold out the integrity of their profession.