Merry Christmas!
I only get to see three post today.
Tell me again that someone on the leader board has no control... punishing people for speaking up.
The good news is,,, I ain't one of them...
Thing to remember: If things are going easy in life you might be walking in the same direction as Satin. When you walk against Satin life gets real hard real quick...
Excerpt from the chapter: Q fulfills Revelation 16:10-11 from the book: Q โ Biblical Times. (Available on Amazon)
Q fulfills Revelation 16:10,11
This was the first significant realization when I started researching Q and the Bible. At the beginning of 2018, I read the chapter "The throne of the wild beast" in a Bible-explaining book called "Revelation - Its magnificent climax is near!" and immediately thought to myself: Wait a minute. This is being fulfilled through Q. The book was from 1988, when there was no Q. As a result, the author was unable to interpret the prophecy correctly.
The throne of the wild beast
"And the fifth (angel) poured out his bowl on the throne of the wild beast." (Revelation 16:10a) The "wild beast" is Satan's political system. His throne is no more literal than the wild beast itself. However, from the fact that a throne is mentioned, it can be inferred that the wild beast has exercised royal power over mankind; this idea is consistent with the fact that there is a royal diadem on each of the beast's heads. Indeed, the "throne of the wild beast" is the origin or source of this power. The Bible reveals where the wild beast's kingly power really comes from when it says that "the dragon . . . gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority." (Revelation 13:1,2; 1 John 5:19) The pouring out of the bowl on the throne of the wild beast thus involves making known the true role that Satan has played and is playing in the support and promotion of the wild beast. (This is happening right now through Q's Great Awakening. Never before in the history of mankind have so many people had their eyes opened to Satan's dominion over mankind.)
How is the relationship between Satan and the nations maintained? When Satan wanted to tempt Jesus, he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a vision and offered him "all this power and its glory". But he attached a condition to this: Jesus was first to perform an act of worship before Satan. (Luke 4:5-7) Were the governments of the world to receive their power at a lower price? Not at all. According to the Bible, Satan is the god of this system of things, and whether the nations realize it or not, they serve him. (2 Corinthians 4:3,4) That this is so is shown by the character of the present world system, which is built on narrow-minded nationalism, hatred and selfishness. It is organized according to Satan's will so that he can keep humanity under his control. The corruption in governments, the lust for power, the lying diplomacy, the arms race - all reflect Satan's depraved personality.The world approves of Satan's unjust standards and thus makes him its god. The throne of the wild beast will be overthrown when the beast is destroyed and when the seed of the woman of God will finally cast Satan himself into the abyss. (Genesis 3:15; Revelation 19:20,21; 20:1-3)
Darkness and gnawing pain
The kingdom of this wild beast has been in spiritual darkness since its inception. (Compare Matthew 8:12; Ephesians 6:11,12) With the pouring out of the fifth bowl, this darkness will be made even more public. Indeed it is even more clearly emphasized, for this bowl of God's wrath is poured out directly on the throne of the symbolic wild beast. "And his kingdom was darkened, and they (Satan's minions) began to bite their tongues in pain." - Revelation 16:10b. (The Deep State is now in panic mode. Q's Great Awakening is getting him into real trouble).
Today, spiritual darkness has been revealed in the world by the sounding of the fifth trumpet and the pouring out of the fifth bowl of God's wrath. The message proclaimed by today's swarm of locusts causes torment and pain to wicked people who have "loved darkness rather than light." (John 3:19)
As ruler of the world, Satan has caused much sorrow and suffering. The characteristics of his system of things are famines, wars, violence, crime, drug abuse, immorality, venereal disease, dishonesty and religious hypocrisy. (Galatians 5:19-21) Nevertheless, those who align themselves with Satan's standards are embarrassed when he is exposed as the god of this system of things, and it causes them pain. "They began to gnaw their tongues in pain". They are angry that the truth exposes their way of life. Some feel threatened and persecute those who publish the truth. No, they do not repent of their works. (But that won't help them either. For I have read the โlast chapterโ: God wins !!!)
Oh isn't that sweet? Five post and, NO MORE POST. It just feels weird having that much power over you...