Lot's of energy of shift going on latey, Not sure if you have noticed it in your own life or not?
This is a time of awakening to what has not been in alignment, it's a time of change for the better even though it may feel a rough journey and somewhat uncomfortable. These uncomfortable times is what helps us to reflect, reset and refocus into what we need to bring into our lives to align with harmony. A little faith is all we need when we feel uncertain to how things will pan out. Anxiety levels can calm when we begin learning how to adopt the concept of having faith. All that is arising, exposing in ones life is merely so change can come.
SPARE SOME TIME TO BE CALM IN THE STORM - For those who are nervous and overwhelmed about life right now allow something else to show up. This is out of our comfort zone right. That is when we grow the most and change the most. As we can see around us and through the media that life Is upside down for the majority. What if this is the time to reflect on your life and yourself?
Without getting Woooowooo, it’s truly the time to go within and find out your true calling. Use this time to really listen to what is being shown. It is not enough to be trying to survive in this world. Our souls came here to be fulfilled by delivering our genius.
Every day I am working and operating from my Souls calling. I am co-creating what it is I am here to do. AND I am doing it no matter what is going on around me. I have learnt to tap into that genius because I know what it is. This is how we manifest the life we really want but we must do it from the place of a higher perspective. Not expecting what it may look like on the outside but rather what it feels like on the inside.
Pressure is not a higher frequency; it creates panic and we definitely don’t want to align with panic. We must feed our Soul. Being grounded, calm and completely aware by becoming an observer of what is going on and who we really are. AND who YOU really are is a being who has a magnificent purpose that is likely NOT being noticed by yourself.
There is such an incredible way to discover this purpose and its super easy to know if you are on the right tract or not. From my life experiences I have over and over had to build such a strong inner compass and allow myself to be guided and know its right to learn and discover more about my true calling even if my mind has made no sense out of it. Through these experiences I have felt that calm while in the storm and if you are feeling somewhat out of sorts, this is the time to learn about yourself and listen and be kind to YOURSELF and those around you. Our world needs your genius and things are changing to allow this to become that reality... :-D xxx ?
A time of massive change in our world right now!! I am not going to talk about any of it but I will talk about YOU.
The world change means one thing for each and every one of us. ? We should be everyday feeling fulfilled in what we do, what we want to experience and using this life to live the best life we are here to live.
I know that when I was guided back to NZ it was a time I wasn't too sure why but I went with it. It turned out to be more aligned than I thought at the time as NZ is a spiritual place for me, for some reason I am more connected to my true self, my higher knowing. I am very connected to nature here. My being feels rested, present and creative. That is our true calling, all of us need to feel that calmness to thrive in ourselves. Its not about what is going on in the world, put that aside and focus on you and what you are going to do to shift your reality by creating a new one. ??
The easiest way to do this is know what your Souls purpose is and what you are going to do about bringing it alive and living through your vision today. There is only one way to know what you are truly here to do.
HOW - First you need to question yourself in everything you have done and are doing in your life right now. Be honest with yourself and find that truth that was knocked out of you when you were a child or even an adult. Society creates a separation between your magic, your genius and we conform to what the masses know as normal. We are far beyond that. What you have is unique and only you can deliver your genius. I wrote a book back in 2012 about the power of who we are. "Reclaim Your Subconscious Mind" and now I am having to step up even more to be of service for those really ready to find something new within themselves. I never stop growing and the more I be of service I grow even more and that goes for all of us. For those that question their life and want something better for themselves then are you ready to step up and be aligned with your Soul's wisdom and knowing your true purpose?? ???
Here is some Tips in aligning with your true purpose.
1. Notice your blocks, challenges and do the opposite, shift the energy as small changes create new paradigms.
2. Be honest with yourself about your input into your decisions you made and your life reality, this is the key in changing what you don't want.
3. Focus on what you do want and start living that way today.
4. Emotion is our friend, its our power centre, we can feel how we want to, even when we think we can't. Shifting emotion can be easy, and there are many ways.
So I hope I have inspired you to change what you want to change and live from that mindset today. ? #livingyourpurposetoday
We all know and feel what’s going on in the world to a degree right. There are many perceptions and perspectives about the world right now. But maybe put all that aside and just observe then get on with creating a new life.
We are all so different so I try to speak in terms that relates to everyone. I feel we need to be able to swing between the pendulum so we can have compassion but through a higher perspective. It is important to stay grounded which is essential to be in balance. Therefore I continue my days as normal and focus on my passions and goals as all is as it should be in order for me, each one of us and the world to thrive. Why? Because that is my truth.
There are many things that are not what they appear to be and it’s not even a subject we can really discuss to its fullest as it is all being taken care of in the righteousness of Universal Balance of cause and effect. I share what I am guided to share for whatever reason to bring out change. Notice how many people are sharing things they would never notice to think about. It;s “The Great Awakening”. We are in the Fifth Dimensional Frequency and all that is not in alignment must shift and dissolve.
Interesting and exciting times for sure.
The way in which to deal with the constant media coverage is turn it off or if you need to see what’s going on for observation reasons then allow yourself to notice it but give it only a few seconds attention WITHOUT emotional attachment and if action is required do it and then move on to creating a new life.
Media is a falsity that binds us to our own reality, so change your focus to your true mission, what you love in life. Awareness should not create fear, it creates empowerment to make change and be that change, and if it is not physical action, it is mental awakening which overall collectively impacts humanity without maybe one realizing.
Human nature tends to avoid truths because it triggers emotional trauma and fears, and this is what seems hard to shake. So the best way to balance that is begin being in your present moment which means you do not stay dwelling on things but you stay in the flow of observation without fear. Notice it like a fly on the wall and move on and that’s it. This is how we shift energy by not giving it fearful emotional energy but moreso a faith that all is divinely guided in order for a New World of heart and divine creation.
If you feel uncertain, scattered and fear repeat this Mantra in the image attached often throughout the day to feel calm and connected to your own life’s vision. Create your life from this perspective and notice how you begin to feel. The emotional body is the most powerful and is what shifts your vibration so stay in that place of Calmness the best you can. :-D Much love xx ??
An Expansion of oneself to align in your intelligent mind is to tell your powerful brian/higher intelligence of all knowing that you claim what you desire. Doing this opens your consciousness to all knowing. This is how you already have the power. Feed your mind the truth.
Freedom of Free will is to ultimately have choices between desired choices not limited choices. So to empower each and every one of you I invite you to use this as a daily mantra and watch the world around you attract that of which you are searching. ? ???