Ok this seems really HUGE what I just came across. So I posted that picture from that video POTUS tweeted out that said WHITE HOUSE ELLIPSE on it and that spiral/circle picture at the 17 second mark. The meaning of ELLIPSE was:
An ellipse is a curve that is the locus of all points in the plane the sum of whose distances and from two fixed points and (the foci) separated by a distance of is a given positive constant (Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999, p. 2). This results in the two-center bipolar coordinate equation (1)
So TWO fixed points! The one obvious double meaning here is TWO things are happening on the 6th, THE RALLY and THE VOTE about the electors. POTUS retweeted this after that video at 21:536:
NEW: A growing number of Republican senators — led by Ted Cruz — are set to announce today they also will object to certifying state Electoral College votes on Wednesday, several congressional sources familiar with their conversations tell me
First the person that tweeted this that POTUS retweeted was at 126:42. Look at Q post 1206. It's a picture and I'm not posting it, but it's Obama and that little girl and it says, "On Sunday morning the presidential vacation came to an end". First Presidential was not capitalized and Second it is NOW SUNDAY! And Q 42: We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT
Q Post 2153:
Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you.
Another picture here of that Movie Poster with Obama's big fat head there and Comey, Lynch, Hillary and McCabe and it says FISAGATE! You all know it well.
VERY SOON=1415 798 133
The Path Of Light In The House Of The Hidden Places=1415
Heavenly Signs=1415
Antichrists Socialists Sinister=1415
Appearances Are Often Deceiving=1415
What Matters=1415
Educational Services=1415
Trump Votes=1415
Rats In Power=1415
The Hand Of Heaven Or Eternal Hell=1415
Exceptionally Heinous=1415
The Ministry Of Truth=1415
The Lord Who Sees=1415
Lift Me Up Jesus=1415
Victory Angel=1415
Rigged Election=798
Election Fraud=798
White House=798
The Biden Event=798
God's Son David=798
Revote Do It=798
God Bless America=798
Not Coincidence=798
Heaven Is A Realm=798
Hell Exists=798
The Force Of Life=798
Comes From God=798
It's About God=798
One One Seven=798
Big Bang Theory=798
So I didn't mean to do this Gematria but a lot of these things goes to these pictures I took on something I found on ELLIPSE, another meaning to things here.