Präsident Trump verhängt maximale Sanktionen gegen den Iran
Präsident Trump hat soeben eine Durchführungsverordnung unterzeichnet, mit der maximale Sanktionen gegen das iranische Regime verhängt werden.
Er sagt, dass es dem Iran niemals erlaubt sein wird, Atomwaffen zu bekommen.
President Trump imposes maximum sanctions against Iran
President Trump has just signed an executive order imposing maximum sanctions on the Iranian regime.
He says that Iran will never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
President Trump imposes maximum sanctions against Iran
President Trump has just signed an executive order imposing maximum sanctions on the Iranian regime.
He says that Iran will never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
President Trump imposes maximum sanctions against Iran
President Trump has just signed an executive order imposing maximum sanctions on the Iranian regime.
He says that Iran will never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
Assange maybe safe, but he is not biologically related to DJT.