This whole thing with the announcement of POTUS getting the covid, I have some questions. They said just yesterday morning he tested negative for it and then late last night he tested positive for it. So first question, what good is the testing? Everyone around POTUS, he kept stressing before, was being tested. So first with the testing, can you have it for a bit and you are contagious but don't show as having it? Could the knowledge of that be used to get close to POTUS and spread it to him? He's the President, huge protections are in place for POTUS kept stressing. Yes, he was traveling a lot and yes the whole Hope Hicks thing...but THE TESTING! What good is it? Plus Mark Meadows was really close to POTUS too and he has tested far. So who does it infect? If it's so contagious why wouldn't everyone around and close to POTUS and Hope Hicks have gotten it? Why is it selective? Don't give me mask crap. Just heard Chris Christie say there were 5/6 people in the room with POTUS for debate prep and no one was wearing a mask. Rudy was there and he tested negative. Didn't hear about Chris. Wasn't listening close, but didn't hear Chris say anything about his own testing. Plus the timing of this, always with the timing. One is supposed to quarantine for 14 days and the next debate was one day short of that, conveniently. Who does that benefit? Biden of course. Better to see them on stage together, better for POTUS then separated and on some screen. Easier for THEM to cut POTUS off, mute him, while Biden speaks. The public wouldn't even know it was happening. They'd just show us Biden's screen, then POTUS' screen. Plus just hearing the media talk about this sickens me. Last night I watched CNN and MSDNC just to see how they were reacting to this and there were smirks (smiles) on their faces. They just couldn't not show it. Then of course they are all like I told you so type of responses. Hard for me to believe that this is fake and somehow POTUS is using this in some way. Of course POTUS will turn any lemon into lemonade but that's not what I mean. I don't think they would say he has it when he really doesn't. Doctors would have to be involved in that 'hoax'. I just don't think that's possible. Too hard to not let it leak that they were 'lying' about him having it when he doesn't, so I think it's true he has it. Plus POTUS was taking that Hydroxychloroquine for a bit, so questions with that. By having done that will it help him now? How long do the effects last? He only took it for a short bit. How effective is it ... really? VK has been tweeting a picture of it probably every day now. People in our 'conspiracy' world having been talking about it like its a miracle drug that will heal way more than covid even. The Q post about CURES! What is real? What is the truth? Hate always thinking conspiratorially, just want truth and KNOW I'm being told the truth instead having lived in a world that has made me not want to believe anything anymore. Tired of questioning almost everything out there. I want to live in a world where what I am told I can TRUST is the TRUTH. This world, 'THEY', have ruined that TRUST. So I question everything now.
Started digging more and finding things but separating this post up...questions lead to what Q says.