I raised my daughter right. There's a reason she loves and lives in Texas now...raised in liberal MN, but she still came out this way...because I was her mom. So she sends me this that she got on her phone and then right after she sends me this picture. GOD I LOVE MY DAUGHTER! She makes me smile!
77 pm 9/4/2020.
Wow, Biden really is done:
via Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr
Strange they never talk about Joe Biden’s TWO brain aneurysms and brain surgeries. Yes, Biden had two explosions in his brain, but obviously that has nothing to do with why he can’t remember where he is most days!
Republicans Want Barr to Determine Whether Pelosi Committed Crime When She Ripped Trump Speech https://link.theepochtimes.com..../mkt_app/republicans