Five Hundred Forty Eight Days
and then some
but who is counting
Where is that elusive curve?
Two weeks you told us
No end in sight
No light
No normal, not even a new normal
Days pass without notice into weeks
Weeks pass without notice into months
Five Hundred Forty Eight Days
and then some
but who is counting
The numbness sets in all around us
The masses lulled into an hypnotic state
Unable to disconnect from the fear that pours forth from their screens
Those purveyors of apocalyptic doom
Illusion of death everywhere
So say the dementors that have taken control
The people quake in terror
Who among them is the super spreader
Who will bring them to their doom
Accusing stares
Is the diseased one you???
Five Hundred Forty Eight days
and then some
but who is counting
The invisible yet tangible prison walls are enmeshed all around
Layer upon layer of LIES woven into an impenetrable fortress
Protecting the minds of the masses from now ever knowing TRUTH
The trap was laid
Fear the bait
Fearful, gullible, compliant humans by the millions fall into the abyss
driven only by fear of their own demise
That ending we call Death which none can escape
Five Hundred Forty Eight days
and then some
but who is counting
Darkness descends
The heavy blanket of fear threatening to suffocate us all
Yet the force of TRUTH finds cracks in the prison walls
Some already knew
For others a tingling in the back of the neck, a tugging at the sleeve
A whisper in the ear, a deep clenching in the pit of the stomach
An urge so overwhelming, compelling
Those fortunate ones in wonder listened as the soft Spirit voice willed
Turn back
This way is not for you
So we stood up
We spoke up
We shared all that we had learned
We though we could save humanity
We did not realize that belongs to God
Filled with sorrow, knowing now we can only save ourselves
The march towards the cliff continues
Five Hundred Forty Eight days
and then some
but who is counting
Brains now completely numb, slammed shut by fear
Logic gone
Hearts as black as the blood no longer able to course through veins
Forever corrupted by that mysterious, other worldly substance, graphene oxide
That sacred red river of life
Now tainted, changed so dramatically so drastically
Sure to bring on a swift Death
The drums are beating
Their Fate is chosen
There may still be a chance
There is always hope
Miracles do sometimes happen
Maybe some will look to the Heavens as their end draws ever closer
crying out to their Creator to look upon them with compassion
begging Satan's tapestry, begun inside their bodies, be undone
Human 2.0
A creature no longer human at all
Five Hundred Forty Eight days
and then some
but who is counting?
By Seth McGovern
The indomitable Professor Cahill