So check this out... things are on the move in a most interesting way. Trump wants to move us to a variation of the Gold Standard financially. While in the background there seems to be some activity on this front.
This is what happened in April of this year
"Swiss exports of gold to the United States leapt to 111.7 tons in April -- by far the biggest monthly total on record -- while shipments to other destinations dwindled, customs data showed on Tuesday. "
And this is what happened just the month before in March...
"Shipments to the U.S. from Europeโs biggest precious-metals refining hub rose to 43.2 tons, the highest in data going back to 2012, according to the website of the Swiss Federal Customs Administration. That was almost half of Swiss gold exports last month as deliveries to traditional destinations such as India and the U.K. dropped. There were no shipments reported to mainland China."
X22Report Just posted this about an hour or two ago. He mentions this gold shipment in relation to shifting of our monetary system, and as I've come to truly appreciate, he's incredibly upbeat over our financial future as a nation!
In case you were curious as to whether or not this was largely a scam...
The more we know... The Donald is deeply serious about this issue...!
For anyone who hasn't found this site yet, it's pretty interesting. It's a state by state map of current indictments. It's like a climate map of the approaching storm. Right now the Sealed indictments are clocked-in at 169,981... with a bunch already unsealed.. 18,921.. Bookmark this one.. When the SHTF this map may be interesting to watch..