Mike “Flim Flam” Flynn is not even a REAL General. He is only a “Lt. General.”
And he is at best a TV general or more accurately a “social media” general. He is a CIA spook. 33 years on the job. And still spooking and running PSYOPS against President Trump and REAL Patriots.
Flim Flam fooled me for a short period of time. I pray that he no longer fools you. He is surrounded by mafia and Deep State thugs. Birds of a feather flock and fly together.
I have never served in the military, but when you mess with my children, I am a relentless warrior. Flim Flam and his minions have messed with my children to create propaganda against me. Seriously bad move.
I warned you in a text message, Flim Flam, that I would be relentless if you did not call off your goons, like Fraudcock and other “characters” off my children.
You should have believed in me.
I wish you and your minions good luck, Flim Flam.
I believe you are ALL going to prison or worse.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
P.S. Hey Mikie, tell your fellow 33 degree masons like Clark, Guthrie, Clements, Jackson, Peters, Byrne, Powell, et al. that I wish them good luck too!!!
When this all goes down I hope we are all together still in here..patriots together always!!