Who, me? Mad? Mebbe. Probably. YES!
Historic? They do this habitually. Goes back decades. Just did it in May. Runaway Dems in Texas always got cute 🤢 names. Killer Bees, Texas 11 (they’re not even in the class of the Chicago 7, but eh, whatever). Someone give them a cute name! Maybe they’ll stop shirking their responsibilities.
Please repost, if you would, and join us as we welcome the Great Awake Coach to God, Guns, & Country.
“I will be doing my first interview with the God Guns & Country Telegram channel - and I couldn't be more excited.
Please join us on Wednesday, July 14th @ 5PM PST / 8PM EST, as we take a collective look at both the individual Awakening process & The Great Awakening event process we're all living through...
Looking forward to some of your questions, as well!
Mark your calendar!”
God, Guns and Country
Join me:
The Telegram home for http://www.greatawakening.net & Great Awakening Coach.
A running commentary on the Great Awakening process, and how to get through it in 1 piece. Nothing about this period of time is easy. Pace yourself, take care of yourself...