I think I should get something out of the way. I'm not sharing my location. There's a lot of personal details that I will in no way, shape or form share here.
There have been profiles with about all of two or three posts coming up into my DMs wanting this info. You won't get it. Period. Full Stop.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled cybertransmissions.
To clarify, My profile states I'm from Argo, Nunya in the US.
Argo = Ar, go fuck yaself
Nunya = Nunya fuckin' business.
...for those unfamiliar with such lingo, of course.
Finding balance today is absolutely critical. Today is the day for all of us to find common ground and work on that to build that which is mutually beneficial. Failure to do so will be catastrophic. #ravensprophecytarot #spiritanimaloracle #starseedoracle #vikingoracle #runes #bigdeckenergy
Hang out with us over in the live stream
Stop overthinking things. If you're the spiritual head of household and you're feeling trapped or in a crisis of faith, a new approach to your faith may be in order. #uncommontarot #spiritanimaloracle #starseedoracle #vikingoracle #runes #divination