Everyone needs to take the time to watch these videos. If you are still asleep after watching these then you are hopeless (and I will personally add, useless to the world)
When the American people are willing to give up certain freedoms to the government for the government to give them a sense of security then our country is headed straight towards Socialism and then it is a very short step to all out Communism. We have let the government force us into this situation with Covid by mandating the masks and closing down our businesses and churches. At some point the people that truly care about their freedom are going to have to push back and say “no more, we will not give up our freedom for the false sense of security the government is offering”. We all need to have this conversation with as many people as we can so that we can turn this around before it is too late. There is still time to correct this but we have to start NOW.
Chatter...we hear a lot of chatter...some information is good...some is not...disinformation is a part of war...you never let your enemy know your next move. Interesting to see most site I visit did not post anything this weekend....quiet...that can be good and or bad. What can we do? Observe...pray that those in charge will lower the boom on the dark side....we all know they stole the election...a coup like we have never seen....infiltration of our nation, our government, in many layers...so much...the one thing I see is that the longer this goes, the more the bad ones show themselves...the white hats can't miss anyone of them...just like cancer....to cure it, you have to get it all. Keep sharing the truth to help wake up others. Do not give in, do not give up...hold the line....God wins!
This fake reality we live in is getting dumber by the day