Every time someone posts, that something will happen especially since Election Day and up to the inauguration, and it ends up not happening, it puts more stress and anxiety in the lives of the majority of Patriots here.
So, If we are to just watch, wait, and have faith...
Let’s just watch, wait, and have faith.
Very wise words from Lyle Rapacki, of Arizona Today. He outlines the current audit of the votes in Maricopa County. I am not sure the weight this will have on the debacle of an election we just had but there are, also, 16 other states that have exhibited issues with the 2020 Presidential Election. This is the first domino in a 17 state issue where "alleged" fraud was shown to occur. Yes "17". Funny how that number keeps popping up. We all know Biden cheated and hopefully we can pull his ass out of there before he can hurt our country. Pray for miracles. I will never give up on our true President. President Donald J. Trump. Greatest President to ever hold office.