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“Obama is Hiding in a Worm Hole”

Recently, I saw 0bama in the spirit, hiding in a dark room among a bunch of cardboard boxes, crying. The cardboard boxes in the dark room may represent the extensive amount of documents proving his corruption that he was still desperate trying to keep hidden. This, even though a great of info had already reached the public through the 0bamagate scandal. Some of the boxes were empty, which symbolizes this. The boxes appeared to be all that was in the room, which might also point to loss of wealth and being booted out of his title and all access privileges to our government’s data and resources.

Another day recently, I saw him again in the spirit. This time covering up some type of hole in the ground, which had a very small box built around it on which he placed a flat, square shaped lid.

Then the word, “wormhole” came to mind. I was puzzled and queried the Holy Spirit.

“I thought wormholes were in outer space,” I questioned. “I’m not sure how all this fits together,” I continued.

After thinking it through and coming up with nothing, I asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Tonight as I considered preparing a meme to convey things I saw and heard about 0bama over a couple of days, it came to me. As I was searching for images. First I searched “wormhole,” spelled as I saw it. No images seemed to fit the overall riddle. So I changed my search word to “worm hole.” Then it struck me. The term, wormhole is a pun! That is like Papa, I thought. He loves puns and riddles. Okay, I thought to myself. So, 0bama is a worm, hiding out in a hole in the ground so that makes it a worm hole! I giggled.

As I searched for worm images I kept seeing snakes. I soon realized the connection. Snakes crawl in their bellies like worms. I recalled having read that 0bama was referred to as a “devil” in the bible code. Lucifer was cursed by our Creator to crawl on his belly. I found an image of a snake hiding. It was a great fit. The meme was coming together. And so was my article, now that I found all the puzzle pieces and finally solved Papa’s riddle. My meme became Words of Knowledge from heaven in a montage. Thus, the meme for this article. “0bama is hiding in a hole in the ground.” This may, or may not be a bunker. It also may, or may not be where he has been hiding other documents and incriminating evidence.

*It is possible that some of the information in this article is symbolic while other parts of it are literal. Some of it may be both. Time will tell.



Because I go litigate in Heaven’s Courts, I receive scrolls and info about Yeshua’s justice coming into the earth. Some of the items on the list may sound as if they are past tense. But that does not mean they are. Very possibly, I saw and or, heard into the future (I have experienced time travel), in which case, what I see and hear there, may be past tense at that time. Article with more details coming. More info on how to access and operate in Heaven’s Courts coming too, when I am able to do this. *TIP: If the text on the book is too light to read easily, just zoom in. ?

4 years ago - Translate - Youtube


WE ARE THE RESISTANCE to The Resistance to our duly elected POTUS, Donald J Trump.

They knew he was coming...

Is “The National Security Action,” also “THE RESISTANCE???” ***Note the abbreviation...TNSA, or NSA for short? To sound official? The official site of the DS/Cabal shadow government coming #outoftheshadows? Even trying to “look” official, even using what appears to be a government seal in one of their web site pics. Guess who has a seat in this organization? If you guessed VJarrett, then you are on target.

In this DS movie, the mind control monsters were planting the idea of President Trump as the enemy (look at the “T” window behind the supposed villain!

Christian Bale’s character l, who ends up becoming part of “The Resistance” (they knew DJT was coming/RE: Project Looking Glass) in the movie very closely resembles “The Counterfeit,” the DS/NW0 “Christ,” who has been “in the office” since at least 2004 (in the shadows) according to the Holy Spirit who showed him to me back then. I created a video about him years ago, maybe around 2006, or so. Will repost the link later. I have it on one of my pages.

*** Article coming with more info, and my “back story,” How I recognized many, many years ago, something was very wrong in America. How I have been interceding, doing various kinds of spiritual warfare, going into heaven’s courts, for our country since at least the early 2000s, and way before then as well.

Also, I will be sharing about my past ministry tour up and down the east coast from NYC to Florida, and a trip from VA down to SC turned into an all night intercession for America for 3 ladies in 2003 (of whom, I am one), with divine assignments along the entire journey. How the Holy Spirit showed us that he was “going to turn America around,” and how he was going “to do so swiftly.’“ He confirmed this to us at after we arrived at our destination.


A couple of days ago, I saw and heard these words> “Stopping the news...”

A man with short, dark hair was standing in the foreground. Other people were in the background talking, but their images were not clear. My impression is that I was seeing a newsroom and the person in the foreground was the news anchor.



From my notes on 031720> “Suddenly,” I was caught up into heaven to a huge #celebration party! Heaven is celebrating our victories too! After all, our loving Creator planned it long ago, and heaven has been busy guiding and helping us all the way. ?? The graphic is based on an image I was given for sharing about the marvelous event. Story coming...

  • About
  • I get messages “in” heaven and “outside” of heaven. Most if these, I not only see, but hear. There are many ways our loving Creator and his heavenly beings speak to us. These are as varied as our individual personalities, but there are some general ones as well. I will be sharing about my experiences hearing directly from our Heavenly Papa, Yeshua, the Holy Spirit, the Seven Spirits of the Lord, angels, and more. Also, I will be posting as many of these messages as I can.