Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - #brics Meeting, #cbdc, And The #markofthebeast - #666 - #china #russia #india #gold #silver -
must see video! #food is a weapon!
Video: Pastor #robertbreaker - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - Oral Fixation - discussion about the #[147519] many so-called #christians have today, and how they focus more on the MOUTH than believing in the blood from the HEART.
How could they miss it? Are they saved? How could they be against the #biblical TEACHING of #salvation by #faith, (or by BELIEVING), thinking salvation is instead just an act of the LIPS? #psalms 19:14 #salvationbyfaith, #psalms1914
Karen Kingston Reveals How YOU Can Stop #pfizer and Their #bioweapon Injections (Video) - #karenkingston, #stoppfizer, #bioweaponinjections, #healthcare, #vaccine -
Over 25% of #elderly Residents at Skilled #nursing Facility DIED Within 20-day Period after Getting #covid Shot in December 2020 - #nursinghome #elderlyresidents, #skillednursingfacility, #covidshot, #december2020, #nursinghome -