If You’ve Never Questioned Govt Directives, It Might Be Time to Start
SUMMARY: Like 9/11 inspired me to examine Islam in relation to my Christian faith, the COVID YEARS (especially the years administered by the fraudulently installed Biden Administration) has inspired me to NOT trust information, edicts or Mandates proceeding from a tainted bureaucratic government. …SEE DOCUMENTED MK ULTRA & 14 STATE AGs QUESTION mRNA!
Attempting to Circumvent Blogger Censorship
SUMMARY: I am not surprised Blogger owned by Google CENSORED a Medical Tyranny opinion that counters the still official Government/Globalist Medical Narrative. The censorship notification occurred on 1/6/25. Blogger censored the title, “Remain Stirred to RESIST Medical Tyranny PT 1”. PART ONE & PART TWO can be viewed at CPCR. …TAKE A LOOK!
Introducing – ‘A Matter of Life and Death’
SUMMARY: Rybczynski shares how a Globalist mindset has transformed Western Culture from a life-preserving philosophy into a DEPOPULATION philosophy. Rybczynski targets Transhumanist thinking as the prime example. Awaken your thinking to overcome official narratives to see what Elitists have instore for you. –NARRATIVES MANAGE THINKING – WAKE UP!